Thank you for your well-articulated and unique column which gives me tremendous relief that another like minded soul is here thinking! I believe your writing would be in good company and welcomed at Lew Rockwell, to whom I’d recommend you submit this. Share the fruits!
My pleasure, Gene. Your writing is inspirational and enlightening. Thanks again. is well worth checking out. As an alternate info site of many great writers it labels itself as “anti-state . anti-war . pro-market”. Check it out. And please keep sharing your insights!
Thank you for your well-articulated and unique column which gives me tremendous relief that another like minded soul is here thinking! I believe your writing would be in good company and welcomed at Lew Rockwell, to whom I’d recommend you submit this. Share the fruits!
And please keep writing.
Thank you very much for the encouragement, Steve, which I appreciate greatly. Can you please tell me who Lew Rockwell is?
My pleasure, Gene. Your writing is inspirational and enlightening. Thanks again. is well worth checking out. As an alternate info site of many great writers it labels itself as “anti-state . anti-war . pro-market”. Check it out. And please keep sharing your insights!
I'm definitely going to give it a look. And thanks again for the encouragement. It goes a long way!
The Great Tribulation draws near. Fear nor but be ready. Jesus saves.
Don’t be bullied or scared We will survive this crazy time. Gods got this!