"You... Will Be... Absorbed!"
We're being bullied into living out the fantasy that's going to kill us all.
Have you ever stopped lately to wonder how on earth we arrived at a time and place–in this, the most materially advanced society human civilization has ever seen–in which the vast majority of the human population of the planet is being helplessly held hostage and ritually abused by a small fraction of our numbers, demonstrating by their words and actions an undeniable mental and emotional instability bordering on the psychopathic; who have seized almost all societal authority and are aggressively attempting to mandate universal compliance to what most rational minds recognize as abjectly hysterical fantasies that in no way comport with any commonly accepted truth or reality?
If that sounds like a convoluted mouthful, it isn't. It's just a complex sentence. The convoluted mouthful at which we're all shaking our heads incredulously is the unarguable insanity that's been released from the confines of a politically-abandoned compassionate psychiatric care infrastructure and like a deadly pathogen, unleashed on society and infecting it by authoritative fiat from the positions of power to which we once looked for reasoned guidance and to whom we could entrust the protection of our common interests, security, safety and prosperity.
Except those same levels of our society to which we used to be able to turn for these purposes, are now firmly in the hands of the very people against whom we all once needed to be protected: the pathologically sociopathic, the violently, mentally and emotionally incontinent, the criminally immoral, the simply criminal, the misanthropically narcissistic and, in many instances, the coldly and callously bloodthirsty.
Exactly how this gelatinous moral miasma managed to congeal into form is a matter of decades of progressively regressive socio-psychological development attained through political, ideological, social and economic manipulation by mentally unstable masterminds who would look right at home in a low-key-lit, mysterious S.P.E.C.T.R.E. boardroom scene in any James Bond movie.
Many volumes can be written about all the aspects of how our current state of affairs came into being, and how all those aspects aligned to create the mess we're in right now. In a previous Substack article (“Reality-Based-Fantasy Reality,” Mar. 6, 2022), I examined one of those contributing factors relevant to the discussion here, in a look at the effect of reality-TV on socio-cultural consciousness and behavior.
Recognizing that this current social state is, however, a complex phenomenon with complex contributing factors, I'd like to approach at least a glimmer of understanding of it all (if not a comprehensive explanation for it), by focusing on one of the fundamental aspects fueling this drive to the “insanification” of social dynamics and its normalization.
It all starts with the little child who likes to play Make-Believe.
And then grows up into the full-grown adult.
Who still likes to play Make-Believe.
Except now that they're “all grown up,” Make-Believe isn't just play anymore.
It's high-stakes, winner-take-all, dog-eat-dog, do-or-die real-life for them.
And, as we'll find out below, it better be for you and me and all of us, too.
Or else.
When we were children, we all knew somebody–at least in my day, and it was almost always a girl, at least in my experience–who, whenever any number of us got together to play, would eagerly and compellingly insist we play Make-Believe. If there were ever anything less than enthusiastic eagerness to take up the call to this kind of play, the child proposing it would cajole, plead, continue to insist, do anything, even threaten, to convince us to play along. Most of us, being normal kids with no more nuanced agenda than just wanting to play and have fun, would eventually give in and agree just to get things moving along already.
Once the desired mandatory universal compliance was achieved, the one proposing to play Make-Believe then took complete control of the entire business. They’d define the parameters of the play. They'd set up the scenario we were all to follow. They'd rarely stand for any suggestions from anybody else, because it was their fantasy, and we were all just there to help them make it come to life. Any of us who didn't want to play along, or who didn't want to play along in exactly the way we were being told to play along, wasn't welcome anymore, and was either excoriated by the fantasy leader and bullied into submission, or driven out of the play circle and either forced to go find some other kids to play with, or sit on a swing by themselves and watch what they thought was a happy scene from what was for them a lonely distance.
This almost invariable dynamic of the Make-Believe play process is practically inherent in the nature of the game itself, and that's the reason why this game is so popular with a certain type of personality: the sociopathic narcissist bully. The problem is that what starts out in childhood as an annoying but essentially benign behavioral anomaly, if left uncorrected, becomes a malignant, contagious social tumor by the time the childhood sociopathic narcissist bully becomes a full-grown sociopathic narcissist bully.
When we look at the semantics of the name of the game itself, what does Make-Believe really mean? It means you make somebody–force or manipulate them–into believing something is true (even though everybody knows it's not) by acting it out as if it were. And because the narcissist doesn't know where their fantasy ends and reality begins, while the sociopath doesn't care, it means eventually coming to believe that what you're acting out isn't just pretend, but real, as well.
It's easy, from this perspective, to see how the power in being able to convince somebody to act out some fantasy of your own design according to your direction and to believe what you're acting out is actually true, is attractive to a sociopathic narcissist bully. There's no greater dream-come-true for the narcissist than to see their fantasies manifested as reality. There's no greater dream-come-true for the sociopathic narcissist bully than first convincing, then manipulating if they can't convince, then forcing if they can't manipulate, large numbers of other people to not just enthusiastically participate in their fantasy, but to enthusiastically accept its “truth” as well.
Consequently, there's no greater scourge to a peaceful, balanced, harmonious and prosperous society than sociopathic narcissist bullies who climb their way to its ruling strata and, with the executive power and enforcement authority they seize in doing so, endeavor first to try to convince... failing that to manipulate... failing that to force, as many of the rest of us as can be convinced, manipulated or forced, into enthusiastically acting out their fantasies with them: fantasies which almost always include some form or other of them being masters unquestioningly obeyed, fawningly adored and selflessly worshipped by the rest of us, their compliant servants.
If you've never had the experience of being forced to play Make-Believe as a child by another child, then we all at least, thanks to our world today, now have the real-life experience of being forced by a ruling elite of sociopathic narcissist bullies, to play Make-Believe Society, in which the fantasies of a few rich and powerful people, supported by their hierarchy of sycophants and acolytes up and down the societal ladder, are being forced upon all of us, who are expected to play along without question, or face the wrathful punitive powers of states, corporations, legal systems, mobilized masses of hysterically enraged fellow citizens, and, in the foulest of cruel ironies...
...Our own children, who–because of their naivete, gullibility, innocence, ignorance and our own negligence as parents in teaching them better–become the first and easiest targets and victims sucked into the sociopathic narcissist bullies' sociopathic-narcissist, social fantasies that end up for all the rest of us being insane, social nightmares.
The insidiousness of the sociopathic narcissist bully regime under which we're all suffering now is multifold. One of its most despicable characteristics is the way in which it uses the strategy of mobilizing punitively violent peer pressure as a coercive instrument with which to enforce if not enthusiastic, than at least grudging compliance from all those of us with minds, lives and aspirations of our own who don't want to play along with hysterically insane conformist fantasies.
One of the ways in which they've managed this is to stoke in the enthusiastic Make-Believe Society participant as much sociopathic narcissism as possible, through cultural example and social reinforcement. In that light, they then convince their “forces” that their fantasies, which they've by now been hypnotized to accept no longer as fantasies, are immutable truths, and anybody who refuses to affirm them by eagerly participating in them, is a threat not only to society, but to them personally.
So whatever Orwellian Goldstein the sociopathic narcissist bully regime decides to promote as the Orwellian Goldstein for the faithful to hate for as long as they're told to hate them... isn't just coming to destroy society, but coming for you, your house, your job, your way of life, and, most importantly, whatever deviant way you've been convinced to like to have sex.
And just like that, without having to fire a shot, beat in a face with a graphite club, launch a tear-gas canister or unload with a water cannon, the sociopathic narcissist bully regime of the Make-Believe Society created for itself an army of enforcers to terrorize all the unfaithful either into compliance, or silence and virtual social invisibility through forced ostracism.
In short, anybody who refuses to play Make-Believe Society exactly as the sociopathic narcissist bully regime says we all have to play, and to enthusiastically embrace what for the most part are the fantastical and irrational insanities they expect us all to accept as immutable truths, will either be absorbed or politically, socially, economically and in the most extreme cases, physically destroyed.
Hysterical hyperbole, is it?
Our society today:
Cancel culture. Wars that aren't wars. Viruses that aren't viruses. Vaccines that aren't vaccines. Presidents and Prime Ministers that aren't Presidents or Prime Ministers. Criminals who make and enforce laws. Law-abiding citizens imprisoned without charges or denied social or economic rights for publicly expressing opinions. Words that are “violence.” Speech that is “hate.” Weather that's “racist.” Faith that's “homophobic.” Blacks, Latinos and Asians who are “white supremacists.” Adults that act like children. Children who think they're adults. Men who think they're women. Women who act like men. Pandemics that are “World War II's.” Statues that are criminal threats to society. Crudeness as culture. Hysterical insanity as rationality. Ignorance as wisdom. Immorality as religion. Faithlessness as faith.
Does the list need to go on?
Where does this leave us, then?
At a point where something better happen to wake us all up as a society soon so we get a hold of reason and rationality, truth and reality again and return our collective being to the state that existed when all these things ruled it.
Because if we don't do something–and soon–the solid mountain represented by the consequences of a society operating as if capricious fantasy were reality, into which this runaway fantasy freight train is running headlong at breakneck speed and accelerating rapidly, is quite real; and so will be the horrific destruction if we don't yank hard on the emergency brake handle and bring this wild ride to a rational halt before this train, and all of us on it, slams full-throttle into the wall of solid rock up ahead.
How can we possibly avoid this as the certainty it’ll be if we keep this up?
The final article in this four-part series will examine just that.
Thank you for your well-articulated and unique column which gives me tremendous relief that another like minded soul is here thinking! I believe your writing would be in good company and welcomed at Lew Rockwell, to whom I’d recommend you submit this. Share the fruits!
And please keep writing.
The Great Tribulation draws near. Fear nor but be ready. Jesus saves.