This Jonas Brother Doesn't Sing, He Speaks God's Truth
We review a book by Jonas Clark that should be required reading for every faithful follower of the Lord Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah.
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Whether we recognize or admit it or not, we’re at war.
Not just in the world with what we see going on with the military and social and political conflicts raging all around us. But, like the apostle Paul explains to us in Ephesians 6:12:
“...our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
Which is why he counsels us in the immediately preceding verse:
“Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”
The devil does have his schemes and we all know what they are. We also know he doesn’t put his plans into action without the help of his followers on earth to execute them.
And the systemic spiritual system they exploit to execute Satan’s dastardly designs on all of us, is what we know in the world as witchcraft.
In his book, Exposing Spiritual Witchcraft (How to overcome curses, demons, witchcraft & controlling powers—1995, Spirit of Life Publishing), Jonas Clark provides an invaluable resource that guides the Christian believer into the recognition of the operations of spiritual witchcraft; as well as into some practical spiritual, scripturally-based counsel on how to deal with and protect ourselves from its manifestations and effects.
In the book, a terse statement puts the seriousness and urgency of the matter into stark perspective:
“Many Christians are being attacked by witchcraft and don’t understand what’s happening to them.”
With my own, long years of personal experience as a target of intensely concentrated and coordinated witchcraft attack, I can attest to the veracity of that fact. It wasn’t until the Lord brought this book into my life that I learned what was was happening to me and why, and that’s what started me on the road to recovering from all the damage that had been done to me as a result of being targeted by witchcraft for over 30 years.
Are you experiencing chronic and almost universal “going wrongness” in your life? Does nothing ever seem to go right for you? Are you often confused when you don’t have any reason to be? Are you always stuck in a feeling that something’s wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it? Are you always tired even though you get plenty of rest? Are you always afraid? Are you always plagued by doubt?
Then I can attest that this book by Jonas Clark is something that will help you.
In the August, 2022 Substack, “Faith, Not Craft, Moves Mountains,” we discussed what God’s word has to tell us about witchcraft. In the May, 2023 podcast episode, “Which Craft?” we dove a little more deeply into its practices and more of what God’s word tells us about it.
Today, we’re going to review Jonas Clark’s book in the same manner with which we’ve treated other books of interest to the Christian believer here: by letting Clark’s own words speak for themselves; with the intention of alerting us to the issue itself, and to how urgent it is that we learn what there is we can do about it to help and protect ourselves. The citations included present an overview of the general gist of the work, and if that’s enough to make any of us want to learn more, the link to Clark’s website provided above is where the book can be purchased.
The last thing there is to say by way of introduction is to remind us all that while witchcraft is practiced by people, it’s not people who are our enemy, but Satan who is. The people who practice his dark arts are just as much victims and captives of his sinful deception as the targets of witchcraft are of its attacks. The Lord Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, commands us as believers and his followers to “love your enemies.” And so when we undertake to fight against this, we have to do so in a spirit consistent with how God’s word commands us to relate to our fellow human beings: and that means, with compassion and not enmity; with a desire for their deliverance, and not for judgment or vengeance. We can certainly do what we have to to protect ourselves. But never at the expense of being sinfully negligent in our duty to love our neighbor as ourselves.
Sorry. One more thing. This work is invaluable not just as a primer for teaching targets and victims of witchcraft attacks how to recognize them and what to do about them. It’s also a great source for people who are themselves practicing spiritual witchcraft without even being consciously aware they’re doing so; because they’ve somewhere along the line been conditioned by somebody or something to appropriate the behaviors associated with the practice of witchcraft, as a normal way of doing things. They either pick it up from a parent, through the quiet influence of a close friend, or through the pop culture that’s hyper-saturated with “witchcraft-ism.” This book is as much a wake up call to them as it is to the targets and victims of the craft of the witch.
We are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against supernatural powers that cannot be seen with natural eyes.
We need the ability to discern the devil’s devices at work against us and learn how to effectively conquer the release of any demonic assignments... Spiritual discernment is a divine ability to look beyond the visible into the spiritual to discern truth.
Witchcraft often manifests itself in a feeling that there is something wrong but an inability to put one’s finger on just exactly what it is.
When witchcraft is operating there is a release of chaos, confusion and turmoil.
Witchcraft can accurately be described as a spiritual force that releases strong confusion against one’s mind.
Witchcraft will try to infiltrate your life through your emotions. Witchcraft knows how to pull on and manipulate your emotions—and use them as a weapon against you... If they can hook your emotions, then they can gain a soul tie with you. If they can form a soul tie with you, then they can control you.
Confusion, emotional manipulation, inattentiveness, and probing the soul for information are all common weapons witchcraft uses to control the believer.
Spiritual discernment can be blocked by soulish compassion through the operation of witchcraft in our emotions.
Witchcraft needs to separate and isolate its victim from the influence of friends and family in order to be most effective... People operating in witchcraft don’t want to share your attention with others but want to keep you totally for themselves.
If need be, witchcraft will even get super spiritual in an effort to manipulate you... People who walk in witchcraft have an uppity air of spiritual superiority about them... They think they have it all together and you don’t. If they can get you to lose your composure publicly by putting you on the spot, then they will... Witchcraft will make you feel that without the person operating in this demonic spirit (controller) you have no personal identity of your own... Witchcraft will make you feel like you are out of place and have no personal value as you watch your self-esteem disappear... Beware of drawing your sense of value from someone else other than Christ.
Is there anybody who releases fear at you whenever they want you to do something?
Fatigue is a much-used weapon of witchcraft. Witchcraft drains the life (energy) right out of you.
Such demonic assignments should never stop you from following the leading of the Holy Spirit...
Here’s a clever weapon of witchcraft—the time thief. Witchcraft controllers spend abnormal amounts of time with their victims... Witchcraft will go out of the way to control and waste your time.
Witchcraft is a master at diverting attention away from itself by turning it toward you. It makes others think you are the one with the problem. People operating in witchcraft are masters at taking the focus off of them whenever they are about to be discovered.
To look good, those operating in witchcraft surround themselves with men and women of character. They try to associate themselves with credible people and others with good reputations in an attempt to make it look like they’re part of that group.
Witchcraft uses false prophesy, dreams and visions to deceive and control others... God may speak prophetically to you through another, but in most cases (not always) it will be to confirm what he has already laid on your heart. (emphasis added)
We are not to be led by personal prophesy, dreams or visions that have not been thoroughly tested by the Word of God... “What’s the spirit behind the prophesy? What’s the motivation? Is the prophetic word bringing life or control? Is the word Biblical? Was the prophesy laced with fear?”
If the prophesy is spoken by the will of man alone, outside the unction (permission) of the Holy Spirit, that prophesy is a curse and the operation of witchcraft... When it comes to prophesy, it doesn’t matter how spiritual a person sounds or how much spiritual punch the prophesy had with it, if it’s contrary to the written Word of God, then it’s not from the spirit of God—it’s witchcraft... Witchcraft, however, views the use of personal prophesy as a means to control and manipulate.
Behind all witchcraft divination is the spirit of Baal. Witchcraft has a hidden agenda—to deceive... Those operating in witchcraft will mask a lie in spiritual activity to promote their hidden agendas...
The word “profane” means the loss of the ability to separate the holy from the unholy.
The characteristics of prophetic witchcraft are betrayal, lying, compromise, avoidance of confrontation of sin and an unclean spirit... (emphasis added) People that walk in witchcraft avoid dealing with issues of sin... Jeremiah tells us, “They walk in lies and encourage and strengthen the hands of evildoers.” They encourage the hands of evildoers by agreeing with their error and refusing to correct them in their sin... Finally, Jeremiah tells us that witchcraft, left unchallenged, will pollute the whole land.
Workers of witchcraft prophesy worthless and misleading sayings that lead people to wrong conclusions because they feed and fuel spiritual pride and idolatry.
There is a “safety net” for all prophetic utterance. That safety net is called a confirmation. When God prophesies to you, He is, oftentimes, doing so to confirm what he has already placed in your heart... Whenever God speaks to you prophetically, He brings: direction; focus; identity; and confirmation to your life.
Hitler was driven. Alexander the Great was driven. False prophets are driven. Workers of witchcraft, too, are driven. God doesn’t drive his servants; He leads them ever so gently. Those operating in witchcraft, however, have a driving force egging them on. It’s witchcraft.
True prophets build stable believers. Profane prophets produce flaky believers.
There is a demonic road to deception where jealousy, fear, spiritual pride and hidden agendas rule. Those operating in witchcraft draw people to themselves and down the road to deception.
This is how the religious spirit acts... Their life turns into a marketed series of religious activity and, to them, worthy bragging about... Boasting is the sign of pride... Your great faith is not what makes things happen in life and ministry. You can’t say you’re doing anything other than being obedient to God’s Word. So if you’re going to boast, boast in the Lord because it is Jesus who died for you and is working through your life... If you think you’re religious, but you are bragging about your ministry, then you’re in deception already.
Witchcraft loves to operate in false, self-appointed spiritual government. When one enters into a place that he is not called to be, he steps out of his place of authority and protection (grace) and in to the realm of deception where witchcraft operates.
Those operating in the deception of spiritual witchcraft draw people to themselves and away from the covering and stability of God’s gift to the church.
Rebellion always opens the door for witchcraft to operate.
To be submissive, you must allow yourself to be held accountable.
Stay away from people who allow you to remain the way you are. Jesus received you the way you were, but He will not leave you the way He found you. God wants you to grow and mature. Helping you to grow and mature is real love.
Waiting on God in prayer is vital for every believer. Wait for His answer before you take any action. If he doesn’t answer you—wait...(emphasis added) When God refuses to answer a prayer it has significant meaning.
[S]ome of us go through religious motions for others to see. Religious activity is an excuse to do one’s own thing. Those who are bound by religious activity are not submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If Jesus is Lord of your life, then you are not free to live as you choose... The truth is that God has great compassion for us, yet he views obedience greater than sacrifice.
Pride is a deceiving error that witchcraft promotes because it always exalts itself... Pride is the root of spiritual witchcraft...(emphasis added) In the eyes of deception and witchcraft a religious activity will make disobedience an acceptable thing.
Remember that witchcraft always takes the focus off itself and puts it on others through blame...(emphasis added) More specifically, a person operating in the spirit of witchcraft is legalistic when it comes to you, but does not hold themselves to the same letter of the law.
Witchcraft will murder anybody whom it views as a threat to its hidden agenda... Witchcraft will murder anybody it views as a threat to its kingdom (ministry)... Whenever someone tries to manipulate another for the purpose of advancing a selfish agenda, that is witchcraft... Control is a form of witchcraft... Witchcraft likes to be in control of every situation... Remember, too, that witchcraft desires to control the environment around it... Anyone who threatens that environment is viewed as a danger.
Witchcraft hates the voice and the anointing of God.
When a [church] leader continues to quench the moving of the Holy Spirit, that is a signal of trouble. Quenching the Holy Spirit is a direct violation of scripture (1 Thessalonians 5:19). Leaders that are afraid to allow the Holy Spirit to flow freely in the church are controlling churches all around the world.
Then there are other leaders that think they, and no one else, can hear from God. These are spiritual controllers who are full of pride... Witchcraft spirits gain their strength and sense of security by controlling others... The religious spirit and the witchcraft spirit are close cousins. A religious spirit will not let you advance or grow in the Lord. It will keep you bound in religious tradition and works, not freedom in the Spirit.
Once witchcraft (operating through a person) has controlled you, it doesn’t want to let go... The yoke of witchcraft, however, must be broken through prayer and , yes, even direct confrontation, if necessary. Like Saul’s relationship with David, if witchcraft can’t control you it will attempt to murder you... Witchcraft likes to kill what it can’t control... When you refuse to submit to it, only then will it have no further use for you.
Fear of man and public opinion is a sure sign of being infected by witchcraft.
Controllers quiz you extensively to find out everything they can about your life and they tell you very little about themselves. Hidden things and secrecy are part of the witchcraft agenda... Those operating in controlling witchcraft are very secretive because they operate best by withholding information.
The spirit of Jezebel operates in witchcraft... Jezebels say things like, “You are non-loving and mean.”
People operating in the spirit of Jezebel (controlling witchcraft) seldom repent of their harmful actions and can be very brazen and outwardly aggressive to cover up their insecurities. Even when wrong, they will not admit to their improprieties.
Witchcraft plants seeds of deception in the mind through vain imaginations. The release of those imaginations causes confusion, which is a sure sign of witchcraft’s influence... Witchcraft will get you to live out an imagination... to act on things that are not real... to lose your grip on reality... It is absolutely critical that we conquer the instability produced by vain imaginations because we cannot be effective in ministry until we know how to conquer the workings of witchcraft in our imaginations. The mind must be fortified with scriptural truth in order to guard against the spirit of witchcraft... (emphasis added)
We need to bind up and cast down imaginations and all other weapons of witchcraft.
If witchcraft is releasing confusion into your mind, you need to step into the realm of faith... Secular knowledge can help you a little, but it is a limited weapon when battling witchcraft. You need God’s power for that.
Spirit-filled believers are those gifted to stand against the powers of witchcraft. They must have, however, a militant attitude towards witchcraft’s assignments and expose them whenever possible.
Witchcraft paints a dark and gloomy portrait of life in one’s mind... whispers thoughts into your mind that are not true... makes problems appear larger than they really are... thrives during times of discouragement.
We can’t get free from witchcraft by being nice (compromising) Christians, but, rather, by stepping into interceding spiritual warfare... We must recognize that we are in a battle against seductive spirits and learn how to break witchcraft’s influence, rather than tolerating it. Recognize witchcraft for what it is, an attack against your mind. And don’t live with it—break it!
Jesus said that we have authority over “all the power of the enemy.”
When we exercise our spiritual authority against the enemy, we must stand on the Word of God.
Witchcraft forces can be broken, but they have to be discerned first because it is smart and knows how to work its art. Its art is its nature, and its nature is deception and control.
God leads you by communicating with you—Spirit to spirit. Witchcraft influences you through your soul, especially in your emotions.
Witchcraft, even though it is demonic, is a spiritual activity about which we cannot afford to be ignorant. There is an increasing force of witchcraft being released throughout the Body of Christ... Confusion is a sure sign of the presence of witchcraft.
The first thing that we need to do to break the influence of witchcraft is to expose it.
Those breaking free from the powers of witchcraft understand the importance of possessing God’s promises.
When you’re under attack by the spirit of witchcraft, run for cover.
Don’t follow gifts, but rather follow fruit... If you want to check out the character of somebody, however, check out his or her fruit.
We need to remember that signs follow the believers, as opposed to believers following signs. Witchcraft takes the focus off the importance of character development and places it on the manifestation of spiritual gifts.
Don’t let just anybody lay hands on you and pray for you. Don’t let spooky people lay their hands on you and pray for you. There is a transference of spirits through the laying on of hands… Plead the blood of Jesus over yourself for protection.
Stay away from controllers.
If you have been attacked by witchcraft from people you know, then don’t think that you can help them. This book is about helping you get free—not them... The victim is the easiest to help; they simply walk away from the carrier. The only hope for the carrier of spiritual witchcraft is humility, submission, and, in some cases, deliverance.
Don’t be a messenger. Witchcraft is the power of Satan on the earth similar to the Holy Spirit being the power of God on the earth. Just as faith-filled words release God’s power, so do words of doubt, unbelief and rebellion release the force of witchcraft.
Avoid rebellion. Anytime a person becomes rebellious he opens the door to witchcraft.
Never feel spiritual pride.
(Photo Credits: © 1995 Columbia Pictures;;
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