Picking Up Pokémon on the Highway to Hell
How the social credit system is Satan's mockery of the kingdom of God.
“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:19-21
For decades now, we’ve been accustomed to the phenomenon of purchase points as rewards for customer loyalty. As a business model, it’s a benign, consumer-friendly way to ensure customers keep coming back, by offering them discounts or free products and services, in return for reaching defined levels of regular patronage.
Leave it to—now almost total and universal—criminally corrupt powers and authorities, to figure out how to convert that into a way of coercively enforcing capitulation to authoritarian control over the human population of the world.
“Congratulations! You’re the proud parents of a bouncing baby social credit system!”
Although—as a well-written-and-balanced article in Wired points out—the idea of the social credit system is neither new nor did it come from there, it’s been in Communist China where we’ve seen the most advanced development and deployment of a social credit system as a method of enforcing compliance and control over the public and private activities of an entire population.
Essentially, how a social credit system works is that—facilitated by a universally panopticon state infrastructure for monitoring just about every public and private activity in which its citizens engage—the individual’s living performance is rated by a system that applies reward points for behaviors it defines as acceptable and commendable; while conversely applying demerits for behaviors deemed “socially” unacceptable and punishable.
Since it’s an unjust and exploitative authority that employs this kind of system, what “acceptable” and “unacceptable” behaviors are, is arbitrarily established by that authority; which endeavors to employ such a system not for any avowed “public good,” but as a means by which to ensure the public under its authority remains under its command and control; submissive and compliant and posing no threat to the authority in power.
What emerges is a system that takes the consumer rewards concept, stands it on its head and turns it into a system where the only reward anybody gets for anything, is not being punished; while the real aim of the whole effort is accomplished by terrorizing individuals into compliant behavior with the threat of the punishments that are applied as a result of “unacceptable” behavior, as well as the public, personal or online shaming and abuse they have to endure because of it.
The individual gets nothing for behaving “acceptably;” except being permitted to go on living day-to-day life without punitive restrictions applied to them. Don’t behave “unacceptably,” and you simply are allowed to live “normally” within the confines of narrowly defined and coercively enforced behaviors, of course. That’s your big reward.
Behave “unacceptably,” however, and punishments are applied: run a red light, get caught dropping a gum wrapper on a sidewalk, talk loudly in a movie theater, and your ability to travel on a train or plane is revoked; say something derogatory about the government on social media, and your bank account is frozen or you go to jail.
“...if [the Chinese system] does come together as envisioned, it would still be something very unique... It’s both unique and part of a global trend,” the Wired article states.
It then concludes:
“The west should not copy any aspect of social credit... There is nothing any liberal democratic society should even think about copying in the social credit system.”
So what are Western countries, where radicalized, liberal-progressive governments rule, doing?
Copying the Communist Chinese Social Credit System.
In the United States and Canada, seminal elements of the Communist Chinese social credit model are already in effect in the government bureaucracy, the corporate world and on social media. In government bureaucracy and the corporate world, it’s what’s known as DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion). On social media, it’s pretty much already the full-blown Chinese Communist model, applied and enforced on individual websites and social media platforms.
DEI is essentially a secular theology manufactured around the ostensibly noble aim of increasing the “fairness” of social being by increasing the avenues of approach to power and authority structures for those “traditionally marginalized” from them.
Don’t let the lofty-sounding $20 concepts fool you. What it really is is nothing more than a deceptively altruistic-sounding way to eliminate any and all non-compliant individuals and organizations from the government and corporate power infrastructure, while promoting compliant individuals and organizations to replace them—regardless of whether they’re qualified or not, so long as they check all the right boxes and comply—until eventually nobody who hasn’t capitulated to unquestioning compliance, is left.
And nobody un-compliant left, means nobody left to challenge or threaten the monopoly political, economic and social command and control of the government and corporate authority. Once that state is achieved, that authority’s then free to behave as corruptly and unjustly with its public as it wants, with impunity and zero accountability to anybody or anything.
This is accomplished by establishing absurd, impractical criteria to ensure that “diversity, equity and inclusion” are the legally mandated and enforced attitudes driving individual and organizational behavior and activity. Once these criteria are established and enforced, any individual or organization that abides by them, is permitted to continue operating normally, while any who contravene them, are “transgressors” and “anti-social threats,” punished with social, political and economic sanctions until they’re either forced into compliance or forced out of existence.
So under the guise of “fairness,” otherwise productive, profitable and meriting individuals or organizations that don’t submit to the absurd secular theology being mandated on them, are eliminated from power and influence and from posing any threat to a criminally corrupt authority structure whose only real interest is keeping power, command and control at all costs; while individuals and organizations that do comply, regardless of whether they’re productive, profitable and meriting, fill up the ranks of the authority structure and thus perpetuate its dominion over everything and everybody.
In the online world, the social credit system in operation on individual websites and social media platforms more closely resembles the Communist Chinese model, and operates on practically the same principles, while its influence is (for now) limited to controlling behavior on those sites or platforms.
On individual websites and social media platforms, ideologically defined, arbitrarily, inconsistently and unjustly applied codes of conduct establish the parameters by which individuals are simply permitted to continue to avail themselves of the website or platform; while those found to be in contravention of those codes are punished with features and activity being restricted, or accounts temporarily and even permanently suspended.
With both DEI and individual website and social media platforms, what this creates is essentially the same thing the Communist Chinese social credit model offers to whomever employs it as an instrument of command and control: the coercive enforcement of compliant behavior to ensure the elimination of any activity that may threaten the power, command and control of whoever has the power and is in command and control.
And to make sure that power, command and control remain in the hands of the people who have it and don’t want to give it up at any cost, what it also does is set up a system in which individuals and organizations are set at each other’s throats as rabid watchdogs over one another, keeping careful tabs on perceived enemies for even the slightest hint of anything that can even be disingenuously construed as transgression; so that personal, professional, ideological or organizational pride, jealousies, animosities and hatreds act as a compulsion to make sure everybody’s too busy trying to stab everybody else in the back to be concerned about how a criminally corrupt authority is doing that very thing to them while profiting from them and laughing all the way to the bank.
If you were wondering when all this Kentucky Fried was going to start getting Christian, here we go.
Lawlessness, Criminality and Systemic Spiritual Mockery
Regardless of what the social credit system may mean for and do to the world, what we’re interested in here is looking at how by its nature, how it works and how it’s applied, it fits in perfectly with what God’s word tells us about the wickedness of the sinful world, as well as the nature and evil aspirations of the current (and temporary) ruler of it, whom Holy Scripture identifies repeatedly as the fallen angel of the cherubim class, Satan. He’s identified in Revelation 12:9 and by God’s prophets in Isaiah 14:12-14 and Ezekiel 28:11-18. He’s pinpointed as the “ruler of this world” by the Lord Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah himself, in John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11; by the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 4:4 and Ephesians 2:2, and; by the apostle John in 1 John 5:19.
In addition to being identified as the ruler of this world, Satan’s also fingered in Holy Scripture as the antichrist, although the term isn’t exclusively assigned to him as a title. In 1 John 4:3, the apostle explains what the antichrist is:
“...every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming and even now is already in the world.”
He backs it up three more times: in 1 John 2:18, 1 John 2:22 and 2 John 1:7. What we learn from John is “the antichrist” is a spirit; the spirit who denies the divinity of the Lord Jesus; and the spirit who’s already in the world and occupies the souls of many individuals whom the Lord Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:24 will be “false messiahs and false prophets.” So, as the ultimate denier of the Lord’s divine nature, Satan’s also the ultimate antichrist, and will be when he gets here.
When he gets here is anybody’s guess, and will be at a time the Lord Yeshua tells us in Matthew 24:36 and Mark 13:32 only the Father knows. But when he does get here, God’s word tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2:4 he won’t just deny the Lord Yeshua’s divinity, but attempt to replace him as God himself.
We also need to remember the prefix “anti” doesn’t just mean “against,” as it’s understood in its most frequent application; but it also means “instead of.” So Satan isn’t just against God, but also psychotically aspires to replace him and become God instead of God.
So, what we’ve had for the last 2000 years or so, is the spirit of antichrist defying and denying God, while working to replace him in the world with a profane mockery of him and his kingdom in the wicked world system being built and which will ultimately be presided over by Satan, when his spirit will inhabit the beast and become then the consummate expression of the antichrist; as we piece together from what we’re told in Revelation 12:9 and subsequently in Revelation 13, he will be.
Consequently, everything Satan drives his earthly followers to do in his name in the world, is an attempt to establish carnal forms that make a mockery of everything God has, does and is. The triad of the dragon, the beast and the second beast/false prophet of which we learn in Revelation 13, for example, is Satan making a mockery of God’s holy triunity: with the dragon (Satan) in the place of God, the beast in the place of his only begotten Son and Messiah, and the second beast/false prophet as their (un)Holy Spirit.
This mockery isn’t limited to just personnel, though. It applies to manifestations and systems, as well; because it’s not just God’s spirit and the person of the Lord Yeshua Satan desperately tries to mock and replace with profane versions, but his kingdom, too, with all its hierarchies, structures and methods of operation.
And the social credit system we’ve just described that’s steadily being established as a world system, is an attempt by Satan to make a mockery of God’s faith and the mechanism by which God confers gifts, blessings and treasures upon his faithful.
We know God gives us the ultimate reward for our faithfulness to him from truckloads of Holy Scripture, most poignantly expressed in John 3:16:
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
While that reward is a free gift based on our trust in the Lord alone, we also earn other rewards: the rewards we receive in the spirit as a result of our diligent fellowship with the Lord, applying his faith to our lives and expressing it in them (Galatians 5:22-23); the rewards we store up for ourselves in heaven by our faithful, obedient works (Colossians 3:23-24), and; by faithfully enduring the trials and persecutions we experience here on earth for the sake of the Lord’s name (Matthew 5:11-12, James 1:12).
So the reward system in the kingdom of God is one that gives first eternal spiritual life to those who remain faithful until earthly death, and then further gifts and blessings based on our amount of good works and the suffering we go through because of them while still in the sinful world of the flesh that hates us. They’re not earthly gifts, but gifts of the spirit and of heaven, and they’re not bribes to pay us off for capitulating to an oppressive, abusive earthly authority; but rewards we receive from a compassionate and faithful God for enduring the persecution with which that same oppressive earthly authority abuses us because of our faith in the Lord.
Satan’s social credit system rewards people for submitting to the earthly supremacy of evil. Its rewards, however, aren’t anything substantial that can be redeemed and enjoyed, because the aim of the social credit system isn’t to reward anybody with anything other than avoiding punishment for not submitting to whatever systemic or specific injustice or wickedness that corrupt, evil and wicked earthly authority wants to subject the individual.
God’s “good and perfect gifts from above” (James 1:17) are conferred on our spirits while we’re here on earth in the form of the qualities those gifts give our spirits that make us the kind of faithful and obedient servants and children of God who please him and render good service to our fellow humans.
Satan’s social credit system is how the spiritually lawless and criminally corrupt manufacture “virtue;” by which they to try to convince themselves their lawless, criminally corrupt spirits that hate brothers and sisters, that lie, cheat, steal, murder, rape, covet and otherwise sin like devils, are somehow made “virtuous” because they have ideologically-approved attitudes that make a profane mockery of morality, while obediently submitting to criminally corrupt, unjust earthly authorities to “receive the reward” of not being punished for not capitulating and complying.
And by which they try to delude themselves and the whole world into believing that that as a system, isn’t just moral and virtuous, but superlatively so.
That’s how with the DEI and online social credit systems we already have in place, we can have liars, cheaters, thieves, murderers and rapists lying, cheating, thieving, murdering and raping at will not just with impunity, but immunity from criminal prosecution, as they roam society freely on all levels and terrorize it, on the one hand; while on the other, people losing homes, jobs, bank accounts and their freedom for things like saying there are only two genders or praying to God in public.
In Matthew 6:1-3, the Lord Yeshua tells us:
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”
Satan’s social credit system does exactly that. It provides unrepentant, defiant sinners who deny not just the supremacy, but even the existence of God (and therefore deny any responsibility to—or accountability before—him), with the mockery of a moral system that allows them to sin all they want with impunity while enjoying the appearance of moral virtue.
Like the apostle Paul famously says in Galatians 6:7-8:
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.”
Like the mechanic who looks like the kind of guy nobody wants to mess with in the old Fram air filter commercial, also famously says:
“You can pay me now... or you can pay me later.”
(Photo credits: Claire Merchlinsky via Pinterest; WallpaperCave.com)
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