"I am the H.A.L. 9000. You may call me God."
Man is now building machines and programming them to 'create' "morally, ethically, righteously and spiritually valid" religion. What could possibly go wrong?
In an earlier Substack, we talked about how Artificial Intelligence (AI) fits into the paradigm presented by Jonathan Cahn's The Return of the Gods; how the technologies we’re creating are becoming the new false idols we worship that are leading us ever further into the depths of Satan's deception as Paul describes it in 2 Corinthians 4:4.
Three recent news items provide some pretty compelling empirical evidence expanding on that hypothesis: offering up clues about some of the demonstrable ways in which the freight train of technology is barreling us straight into the contexts and circumstances which will comprise the conditions of the world on the eve of its final days; that we find described by the Lord Yeshua himself (mostly in Matthew 24), by numerous separate references in the Epistles, and by the Apostle John from the vision given to him by the Lord in the Book of Revelation.
When we examine this news through the lens of the Word of God, we find plenty it has to say about it. But, I'd like to focus on probably the most immediately significant of that in its relevance for us from a faithful (as well as cultural) perspective.
“And now…the news…”
The first item that can’t but raise the spiritual and actual eyebrows of every sincere and conscientious believer in the Lord Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, is some tech news straight out of the “Seriously?” Department.
According to an article in the Christian Post, Yuval Noah Harari, an Israeli author, professor and advisor to the World Economic Forum (WEF), during a conversation on AI and ‘the future of humanity’ with journalist Pedro Pinto last month in Lisbon, Portugal, says AI is on the verge of rewriting the Bible and creating a new religious text “Harari asserts might actually be true.”
As per Harari:
“AI has the potential to come up with entirely new ideas distinct from prior human development... The printing press printed as many copies of the Bible as Gutenberg instructed it, but it did not create a single new page... It had no ideas of its own about the Bible. Is it good, is it bad, how to interpret this, how to interpret that. AI can create new ideas. [It] can even write a new Bible. AI could fulfill the religious ‘dream’ of a book written by a ‘superhuman intelligence.’”
Harari goes on to assert AI can produce what he claims “would be a ‘correct’ religion for the masses.”
“In a few years, there might be religions that are actually correct... Just think about a religion whose holy book is written by an AI. That could be a reality in a few years. To gain some freedom from these [Biblical] narratives and behave differently we need to understand how they were created and spread in the first place. Otherwise, we will never see them for what they are: just stories.”
I’m not going to unpack all the factual untruths, vain imaginations and psychological projections in what he says, because that’s not what we want to talk about here. We’ll get to one way in which to interpret how this could possibly fit into what Scripture tells us about what’s going to be going on in the world on the eve of the seven years of the Great Tribulation that’s going to end the world as we know it, presently.
A second piece of news first, though, when taken on its own, appears to be just more of the same worldly effort to canonize sexual immorality as the new human virtue system with which we’ve been aggressively and relentlessly cluster-bombed now for the past few years. However, when coupled with what Yuval Harari appears to be telling us is going to be sprung on us sometime soon, it takes on a much more ominous significance.
According to a commentary in The Washington Stand, the U.N.’s Independent Expert on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Victor Madrigal-Borloz, recently presented a report to the 53rd Session of the U.N. Human Rights Council, claiming religious freedom is “not incompatible with equality for LGBT (sic) persons.”
However, the article goes on to inform:
“...by reading Madrigal-Borloz’s report, it appears that his understanding of ‘compatibility’ means that long-held religious beliefs and traditions must be subservient to the LGBT ideology... The core idea of the report is deeply concerning: that religious communities and LGBT ideology would not come into conflict if only religious communities would interpret their own doctrine correctly... He insinuates that religious believers who do not embrace the LGBT ideology are misinterpreting their own religion... The report goes further in a section on ‘hate speech and incitement,’ citing submissions from activist organizations which ‘expressed concern about interpretations of religious doctrines that place homosexuality and gender nonconformity within a discourse of immorality and sin...’ Madrigal-Borloz not only haphazardly perpetrates the idea that religious groups are interpreting their own religions incorrectly, but also that articulating their understanding of sin can be considered hate speech or even incitement to violence... The report goes on to state, ‘The concept of a “natural” order as the guiding principle of human and social existence is also present in conservative doctrine.’ This is a laughable attempt to make basic reality seem evil or scary [to the LGBTQ’s being agitated into a persistent and aggressive state of fear-based, anti-Christian rage].”
“We hand it over to Gene for the analysis…”
Simmering what this report actually means down to its essential reduction, Madrigal-Borloz is telling Christians their faith is either wrong or they’re interpreting it incorrectly when it comes to spiritually criminal and defiant sexual immorality and deviance; insistently suggesting the faith could be made ‘correct’ by incorporating the acceptance of the spiritual validity of the LGBTQ ideology and lifestyle into its canon.
Take that two, put it together with the two of Yuval Harari's evil-genius spirituality scheme, and we can clearly hear the disturbing, ominous yet unmistakable drumbeat resounding through the valley from over the hills separating Christians from the sinful world of the flesh presided over by its god, the “ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient,” as Paul describes Satan in Ephesians 2:2.
When I heard the news about Yuval Harari's AI-generated ‘correct and true’ religion, on whose heels very quickly followed what we learn from Madrigal-Borloz’s report on the incompatibility of correctly-interpreted-and-applied Christian Scripture with people’s ‘right’ to have any kind of sex in any number of deviant and disturbing ways they devise... the first thought that immediately came to mind was that this all sounds like Satan’s attempt to recreate a secular Holy Spirit in the form of a digitally powered AI that would serve as the source to which a deceived and deluded humanity would be able to turn for the ‘spiritual’ guidance people like Harari say the Lord’s faith is inherently incapable of providing.
A humanity deceived and deluded into believing it can—by the devices of its own imperfect, flawed, ignorant, proud, sinful flesh—create an artificial guiding source of spirituality that’s ‘superior’ to the actual spiritual power, validity and authority of the God who created that humanity in the first place.
A ‘religion’ that'll actually be true and valid and not a ‘myth-based lie’ people like Harari—in their unwillingness and/or incapacity to believe—claim the Lord's faith is.
So, are they (directed either unconsciously, or even completely willingly and complicitly, by the spirit of Satan), trying to create an artificial spiritual system based on the satisfaction of the desires of the sinful flesh; to replace faith in the one, true God with faith in a set of rules generated by an artificial digital entity programmed by and with the carnally limited-and-stunted sensibilities and caprices of the spiritually impaired humans creating it?
To actually and systemically manifest what Paul warns us about in 2 Timothy 4:3-4?
“For the time will come when men will not tolerate sound doctrine, but with itching ears they will gather around themselves teachers to suit their own desires. So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.”
Is this kind of talk about science-based efforts that openly and unabashedly aspire to eliminate humanity’s faith in the laws, commands and very existence of the God who created it, an attempt to digitally reproduce an artificial Holy Spirit through which a deceived and deluded humanity would receive the ‘spiritual guidance’ it apparently craves, but is unwilling to receive rightly, justly, and righteously through faith in the Lord Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah? Unwilling because that faith demands from us the submission to God’s sovereignty and authority, the sacrifice, loyalty, humility, abstinence from sinful pleasures, and obedience that the prideful, sinful, disobedient and rebellious flesh is unwilling to render unto its loving Creator?
Are they trying to recreate an Unholy Spirit that can appear to realize and justify a deceived and deluded humanity’s desire to appear spiritual and moral while at the same time being allowed to indulge in its spiritual and carnal lawlessness and sinfulness because an artificially generated ‘intelligence’ that can’t go beyond the ‘garbage in/garbage out’ paradigm with which it’s programmed, tells it it can do so with complete (and completely fabricated) spiritual validity?
“Will the real Holy Spirit please stand up?”
Who’s the real person of the Holy Spirit and what’s his purpose and function?
In John 7:38-39, the Lord gives us the first hint:
“‘Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.’ By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.”
Then, in John 14, the Lord starts to fill in some of the blanks with more details, in verses :15-17:
“If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.”
In verses :25-26, he adds:
“All this I have spoken while still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”
Still later, in John 16:13-15, he adds even more:
“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”
So we know from what the Lord Yeshua promises us (and to whose truth over 2000 years of faith experience attests), that the guidance and power of God dwells directly within the believer in the person of the Holy Spirit, whom the believer receives when they repent of their sins, renounce sinful living, embrace faith in the Lord Jesus, are born again in the spirit, and get baptized in and receive the Holy Spirit. That Holy Spirit is the one who guides us in our spiritual growth and life; guides us through the truth of the faith that comes from the hearing of God’s Word; leads us to understanding how that truth is to be applied and manifested by us in our own lives; and gives us the power and strength we need to execute the spiritual commands we receive directly from God through his Holy Spirit.
But because that Holy Spirit’s presence is made available to us only through the Lord Yeshua’s sacrifice on the shameful Roman cross, the spilling of his sinless blood and his resurrection into eternal, living sovereignty, power and glory with which God the Father rewarded his faithful, obedient Son, we can only receive his presence and its blessings through faith in the Son; through the sacrifice of our own carnal and sinful nature and desires and way of living; crucifying our sinful selves with Christ; picking up our cross like he tells us we must in Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23 and 14:27, and; following him and obeying his commands like he says we have to in John 14:15.
All of which is just too much for the carnally minded, sinful nature of the flesh by which most of lost and fallen humanity lives in the world, to accept, let alone do.
A sociopathically sinful, proud, disobedient and rebellious humanity, full of itself and impressed by its own ability to produce gee-gaws, doo-dads and thingamajiggys that make it start to believe in its its own godhood, isn’t going to stand for any of what comes with the embracing of God’s truth.
Yet, it craves the spiritual benefits whose evidence it can see all around it in the lives of the truly faithful and obedient (but still disingenuously tries to deny). It proudly craves and covets that which its sinful nature won’t let it make all the necessary sacrifices to receive. It wants to be spiritual, just without the spirit. It wants to be virtuous, only without the morality. It wants to be righteous, but still indulge in all the pleasures of sin to which it’s maniacally, obsessively, psychotically addicted.
Deceived and deluded humanity’s solution? Create an artificial, digitally-programmed Holy Spirit it can claim is a superhuman intelligence and therefore exerts sovereignty over humanity by virtue of the disingenuously contrived pretzel logic that says because the AI is declared to be superhuman and therefore beyond the reproach of human flaw and caprice, it must produce nothing but the truth.
The kind of ‘truth’ it would produce that allows people who turn to it for ‘spiritual’ guidance, empowerment and validation, to have their spiritual fake cake and eat it too.
By manufacturing a contrived spiritual system based on the declaration of the supremacy of human pride, the establishment of the spiritual validity of sinfulness, the affirmation of the pursuit of carnal pleasure no matter what or whom it may harm and how, as spiritually valid expressions of virtuous, moral, righteous and even holy living.
By creating a ‘superhuman intelligence’ that gives humanity the license not only to go forth and sin as much as its pleasure principle can possibly stand, but also creates the systemic framework and justification under which it can also cruelly and oppressively persecute anybody who (by adhering to the Lord’s true faith and expressing God’s righteousness through obedient faithfulness to it), poses a threatening reminder to the fallen, deceived and deluded humanity, of just how full of beans all its manufactured and carnally fake spirituality without God’s reality in it, really is.
The Lord Yeshua tells us in John 16:13-15 cited above that the Holy spirit doesn’t speak on his own, but only relays to us what the Lord gives him to tell us. The Unholy Spirit of AI, however, according to people like Yuval Harari, can create “new ideas of its own” about the Bible. Which is the very essence of what so much of both OT and NT Scripture warns us is the fatal danger of false teaching and the worshiping of false idols created by the mind and hands of man.
Which tells us everything we need to know about something like what Harari is proposing, as far as how truly spiritually valid it can ever possibly be.
None of what people like Yuval Harari and Victor Madrigal-Borloz are talking about has come to manifested fruition yet. But, if we put Harari's program for creating an artificially intelligent religion together with Madrigal-Borloz’s hysterical insistence that the Lord’s faith is all wrong, invalid and untrue because it refuses in truth to give spiritual validation to men having sex with men, women with women, adults with children, and for men to turn themselves into and act like women and visa versa... all of which it must be made to accept or be eliminated...
What we get is the perfect storm in which the desire to justify sinfulness as spirituality, ourselves as our own gods as the basis of that spirituality, and the aspiration to eliminate through ‘legally’ enforced injustice and persecution any opposition to that program, line up to form a powerful tool to enable globally systemic lawlessness and sinfulness as a universal religion—as the only permissible universal religion—to establish an effectively totalitarian stranglehold on the spiritual existence of humanity.
With artificial spirituality based on artificial rules, artificial laws, artificial, carnal and profane scriptures generated by an artificial, carnal and profane digital entity. Replacing the real presence, power and dominion of God's Holy Spirit with the presence, power and dominion of man's unholy, artificially generated one.
(Next week: we'll look at how the third item to which I alluded—another disturbing bit of tech news involving a completely AI-generated ‘living’ version of actor Morgan Freeman that has plenty of ominous, worldly implications in addition to spiritual and Scriptural ones—might shed some practical light on what we learn will be going on during the Great Tribulation in Revelation 13:11-17.)
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