A Clockwork Orange Man Bad
How—and why—an alarmingly increasing number of us have become unable to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, truth and lies, real and fake.
“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:4
As the clock ticks down to Zero Hour on Election Day in the USA this quickly-approaching Nov. 5, the volume and gain on the ceaseless torrent of everything coming at us—both the truth and all the lies about it—is cranked up to levels that can easily cause the eardrums of our minds to explode from all the pressure.
Prolonged focus on the staggering amount of evil at work in the world and on all of us right now, and all the pain, suffering, death, destruction and injustice with which it’s wreaking the havoc it’s currently wreaking, can have the effect of either making us so enraged that in response, we go off the deep end of righteous indignation and right into the dark depths of sin before we even know it; or making us so sad, despondent and despairing that we lose all trust, confidence and hope in the compassionate and faithful providence of God’s grace.
So instead of the usual, hard-boiled newsmagazine-reporting-and-commenting content of this Substack, this week we’re going on more of an editorial tip: a newsmagazine version of the audio-monologue style of the podcast; a reverse of some of the podcast episodes that have been audio versions of Substack articles; a Substack version of the Kentucky Fried Christian podcast.
We’re still going to talk about how messed up the messed up lording itself over us right now is; but we’re going to take a step back from the extreme close-up of the human face and toll of all that pain and suffering, death, destruction and injustice we’ve been taking lately, to chew over some of that messed up from a more removed and abstract perspective.
“Lord, you are my God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things, things planned long ago.” Isaiah 25:1
In keeping with the podcast style of this Substack article, we’re going to start this off with a quick testimony of the power and glory of God’s grace and providence as it manifests itself in the life of the Kentucky Fried Christian we all know as Gene Kaye.
So the first thing I have to say is:
How awesome is God?
Anybody who’s ever listened to the podcast knows by now the process here at Kentucky Fried Christian is to pray to God the Father for providing the topic for each podcast and Substack; and for the power and presence of the Lord Yeshua and the Holy Spirit to lead, guide and direct me through it.
So just like every other week, this week I prayed to God to give me a topic for the Substack. Usually, the Holy Spirit drops the goods on me through direct reference when God’s time is right. This time, however, instead of sending me a thought-flash and spiritually-streamed data transfer, he sent me a rapid-fire-succession set of related experiences.
That led me to draw some conclusions about them.
That then ‘suddenly’ (with the wave of the Holy Spirit’s hand, of course) materialized into a topic right before my mind’s eye.
And the wild thing is that the experiences the Lord was setting me up with, he started doing already before I’d even prayed for what I prayed for.
“Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Matthew 6:8
So, how awesome is God?
That awesome.
“Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” Groucho Marx
We’re living in a time and in a culture right now in which a significant and increasing percentage of people of all ages, both sexes and all walks of life, have been successfully conditioned by the wicked powers and authorities to which we’re currently subject, to consciously disregard everything they see or hear, and only believe what they’re told.
Even if what they’re being told to believe flies right in the face of what they themselves can see with their own eyes and/or hear with their own ears.
It’s beyond the stage of hand-wringing over fears of Orwellian fiction coming true anymore, because the nightmare of doublethink Orwell meticulously described in 1984, is already here; brought to us by those in power over all the rest of us, who have been, for the better part of a century-and-a-half now, engaged in a concentrated effort to bring all the wildest dreams of the spirit of wickedness and all its executors on earth, to fruition.
But to facilitate that, they’ve first had to capture the minds of successive generations, and then mold those minds into the mush they have to become that can easily be made to completely disregard manifested reality; to accept and enthusiastically embrace as good the most wicked, misanthropic evil imaginable, simply because they’re told to, and; to zealously reject every demonstrable truth they’re told to, as an evil lie.
The powers ruled by the spirit of wickedness, with an interest in creating the kind of world that would make Auschwitz look like summer camp—and having all of us willingly embrace it as if it were paradise on earth—have had to find a way in which they could accomplish that without anybody catching on before it became too late to stop it.
So they’ve been trying to make it happen by subtly promoting—over decades of manipulative cultural conditioning—the development of a particularly insidious mental and emotional environment in the impressionable minds of millions of those susceptible to their manipulations.
A mental and emotional environment in which those impressionable minds are taught to divide manifested reality into mutually-exclusive extremes, according to countless dichotomies, to condition the mind to see all manifestation as a conflicting clash of irreconcilably polarized opposites.
It’s Hegel’s perversion of the dialectic, all hopped up on molly, ripping its halter top off while being showered with beads and streams of champagne and beer.
It’s the attempt to create a system of perceiving, interpreting and accepting reality through the lens of universal polarization and an endless struggle between opposite extremes to vanquish one another.
It’s existence as a war of attrition.
It’s Hobbes’ “war of all against all.”
It’s the dividing of all manifestation into either one of two only possible categories: “Everything I Like,” and “Everything I Hate.”
And then, it’s convincing people to power their perception engine with the fuel that all things in the “Everything I Like” category are automatically true, right and good because we like them; while all things in the “Everything I Hate” category are automatically false, wrong and evil because we don’t like them.
It’s the ultimate expression of perceived reality being defined by the proud narcissism of defiant, disobedient sinfulness, immaturity, selfishness, irresponsibility and mental and emotional incontinence.
It’s unrestrained “Because I want it!” taken to its inexorable, hysterically sociopathic extent.
It’s a state into which those same, impressionable minds had to be conditioned in the first place, by the same decades and same type of manipulative cultural conditioning.
Once wicked powers and authorities could train minds to see and understand everything exclusively in that binary polarization, they then started—as we’ve watched it happening before our very eyes and ears in its most concerted concentration over the last decade—telling people what to like and what to hate, as a way of steering them into perceiving, thinking and feeling precisely the way they want and need them to perceive, think and feel, in order for them to enthusiastically play along with their plans.
People are taught not to perceive reality as an objectively generated manifestation (‘objective’ in the sense that it’s determined and powered by the will of God and beyond our own, personal subjective capacities to define and manifest), whose truth and value is to be assessed, accepted and interacted with based on its truthfullly perceived, inherent qualities...
But on the sole criterion of whether they like it, or hate it.
So that “Everything I Like” automatically becomes the right and good truth; while “Everything I Hate” automatically becomes the wrong and evil lie.
And since it’s evil behind all this evil work, “What I Like” is usually evil, and “What I Hate” is usually good.
That’s how the mind gets trained to actually be able to dismiss as an evil lie anything it sees or hears that doesn’t conform to its “Only what I like is true” rule, and to believe to be true only what it’s told to like.
That’s how the beast’s machine—government, media, corporations, the activist class, popular culture, public education, all in the hands of the spiritually lawless and criminally corrupt—gets people to believe only what it tells them to believe.
Even if they see or hear indisputable evidence to the contrary, which they’re effectively conditioned to reflexively dismiss as untrue, and denounce with the visceral hatred of hysterical incontinence that can only be possible under conditions of totally unbridled psychological projection, fueled by megalomaniacal pride and desperately clung-to delusion.
So that’s how spiritually lawless, criminally corrupt powers and authorities can get people believing outright and prodigiously demonstrable lies as truth, while dismissing what’s clearly and demonstrably true, as lies. The concepts of misinformation and disinformation have been hijacked by those wicked powers and applied as the labels by which they dog-whistle to their followers what lie is to be perceived as what truth, and what truth is to be perceived as what lie. The degree of gaslighting in which they engage in this effort, and that every rational mind clearly understands and can see through, is positively flabbergasting to behold.
And yet, that millions of people, blinded by hysterically insane false dichotomies, swallow whole without question.
So that’s how the criminally corrupt who steal an election with prodigiously evidenced electoral fraud, can make millions of people believe with fanatical conviction the man from whom that election was stolen and who on public record encouraged a peaceful assembly and then for everybody to go home, is responsible for a fake insurrection the criminally corrupt actually hatched, facilitated, directed and executed themselves as the distraction and cover for their crime.
It’s how they can extort and embezzle billions of dollars worth of public funds to line their own criminally corrupt pockets, bleed the economy of the most prosperous country in the world into medieval barbarity, while making millions of people believe they’re living in the best economy in history.
The ‘best economy in history’ in which the price of everything is orders of magnitude higher than it was a mere 4 years ago, millions of people have lost jobs, homes and businesses, and food has become so expensive, that medieval diseases (!!!) are making a comeback among people who are unable to afford to feed themselves healthfully.
It’s how by now probably a couple score or more millions of illegal aliens allowed by the criminally corrupt to stream into the country and cause the damage, death, destruction and destabilization they’re intentionally causing, can be passed off as a ‘far-right conspiracy theory.’ It’s how current administration authorities can have the audacity to say out of one side of their mouths, “There is no border crisis!” while out the other side, shouting, “The border crisis is all Trump’s fault!”
It’s how they can declare publicly with condescending rebuke—while evidence is mounting to prove that human and specifically child sex-slavery and trafficking have become an industry with the systemic proportions and lucrative proceeds of a global economic sector—that there’s no such thing as pedophilia, that adults obsessed with coercing and/or manipulating children into perverted sex is nothing more than perfectly normal, ‘minor attraction.’
It’s how they can condition an alarming and increasing number of people—and, most frighteningly, young children—to ignore the evidence of their own bodies, and to convince them to actually believe they can really be women if they’re in a male body, and men if they’re in a female body.
Because “What I Like” is telling them that’s right, good and true; and the God and his universal, immutable law that tells us all that it’s not, is the evil lie, because “What I Like” tells me God and his holiness and righteousness are “What I Hate.”
Which is related to a concurrent cultural conditioning psy-op strategy that convinces full grown adults to maintain a child-like inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality; and that the fantasies they cling to in their imaginations are actually true reality; while the objective reality before their very eyes that doesn’t conform to the fantasy world in their heads, is an evil lie perpetrated by the fascistic oppression of 'The Patriarchy,’ that has to be overthrown so that wildly hysterical fantasies in wildly hysterical minds, can become objective reality for everybody who doesn’t have to be killed because they won’t play along.
All that, so the spiritually lawless and criminally corrupt can create the conditions under which to get people incapable of telling right from wrong, truth from lies and real from fake, to go along with the lies they tell, to dismiss the truths they want to suppress, and maintain the power over everybody and everything they want to hold onto forever.
“Is there anything of which one can say, ‘Look! This is something new?’ It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time.” Ecclesiastes 1:10
None of this is new. These are all old tricks of the deception and manipulation game played by the earthly followers of spiritual darkness that have been employed for millennia as strategies on individuals; just all finally being brought together now into one, universally systemic effort aimed at all of humanity and applied to the whole world with the scientific zeal of whole legions of Josef Mengele’s tripping on the crystal meth Hitler’s Nazis invented.
So if you’re like Gene Kaye, and every day you find yourself shaking your head vigorously like a cartoon character not being able to believe the absolutely crazy things you’re seeing some people do and say that can in no way be reconciled with any truth, reality or cedulity, this is a pretty accurate overview of the reason why we have this growing phenomenon with which to deal now in our public discourse, civic life, culture and society.
What can the faithful believer in and follower of the Lord Jesus, Yeshua the Messiah, do against all that?
Pray for the lost.
“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke 21:34-36
(Photo Credits: Freepik.com; FaithfullyFree.com; Jan Gosser; Refuge.church)
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